Moore Kingston Smith

The importance of business continuity planning - learning from the pandemic to deal with the next major threat

Moore Kingston Smith: audio only webinars Season 1 Episode 12

Recent events and the increased uncertainty of the future means that all organisations, no matter their size or nature, should take business continuity very seriously. Even if your organisation has coped with the challenges of Coronavirus, there are other potentially catastrophic events that could occur, a major cyber-attack being just one. Although business continuity as a concept has been with us for many years, there is still confusion about what it is. Join us for an informative session with John Eary, a business continuity expert who works with a wide variety of clients to ensure that they have robust plans and systems in place. John covered:

  • The importance and purpose of business continuity in a post Coronavirus world
  • The key elements of a business continuity management system and how they fit together
  • Managing the three phases of a major incident
  • The responsibilities of management and business continuity leads
  • Ensuing your organisation remains resilient

The webinar concluded with a Q&A session where John was joined by our usual panel of tax, people and Brexit experts.