Moore Kingston Smith

Addressing mental health challenges in today’s working environment

Moore Kingston Smith: audio only webinars Season 1 Episode 11

Mental health and wellbeing has never been so important than in today’s working environment. Whether your teams have been working remotely since last March, or have been attending socially distanced and vastly changed workplaces, the challenges are great and varied. In this webinar, we were joined by Steve Metcalf, Director of Robustmind Mental Fitness Ltd. Steve is an experienced mental health trainer, who gave practical tips and examples covering a variety of topics including:

  • The mental health impact of the coronavirus pandemic
  • Why it is important for businesses to prioritise employee mental health
  • Simple initiatives that can be implemented to help improve mental health at an individual and organisational level
  • Developing strategies and policies to improve mental health and wellbeing

We were also joined by Partner Paul Samrah, who heads up our firm’s Wellbeing Group, as well as our usual panel of tax and people experts who were on hand to offer their expertise in a Q&A at the end of the session.